Established in 1997, McMurr Productions, Inc (dba McMurr's) is an S-Corporation located solely in Tullahoma, Tennessee. McMurr’s strives to bring our collaborative experience and expertise, excellent customer service and premium products to as many people as possible.
McMurr's is solely owned by, Catherine Murray. Catherine brings experience, talent and drive to ensure the success of your project. She has a multifaceted background to draw upon. Since 2000, Catherine has dedicated herself to running McMurr's and establishing the business in the Tullahoma Community. Before moving to Tennessee, Catherine worked for Daniel Man Johnson and Mendenhal (DMJM). DMJM was the support service’s contractor at NASA Ames Research Center - Moffett Field, California. At Ames, Catherine was the Configuration Management Group Director. In that role she supervised twelve individuals and was responsible for the day-to-day operations, duplication equipment procurement and maintenance, and development of Configuration Management policies and procedures for the NASA Ames Research Center engineering community. Prior to her work at NASA, Catherine was a supervisor of 25 child care professionals, served 4 years in the United States Marine Corps and was the warehouse supervisor for a copier sales and service company.
1997 – Shawn McDonald and Catherine Murray obtain a business license as a partnership to provide Disc Jockey Services in California. Company official name - McMurr Productions.
1998 – Begin providing graphic design services to local business in the California Bay Area.
2000 – Relocates to Estill Springs, Tennessee providing video production, and graphic design from home. Company name is shortened to dba McMurr’s.
2001 – Opens office at 101 W. Lincoln Street to provide a central location for expanding list of customers.
2003 – Expands services to printing and additional services. Opens store front May 1st at 1802 North Jackson Street in Tullahoma, Tennessee.
2008 – Purchases building at 101 W. Ogee Street in Tullahoma, Tennessee.
2012 – Catherine Murray becomes sole proprietor as an S-Corporation.